times index meaning in English
- Singapore straits times index
新加坡海峡时报指数 - Singapore strait times index
新加坡海峡时报 - The hang seng is now up 1 . 23 per cent since the start of the year , performing about in line with singapore ' s benchmark straits times index , but lagging behind most other major asian markets excluding japan
? ? ?数比年初升了百分之1 . 23 ,表现和新加坡海峡时报指数相若,但比其他亚洲市场(除日本)落后。 - The hang seng is now up 1 . 23 per cent since the start of the year , performing about in line with singapore ' s benchmark straits times index , but lagging behind most other major asian markets excluding japan
恒生指数比年初升了百分之1 . 23 ,表现和新加坡海峡时报指数相若,但比其它亚洲市场(除日本)落后。 - The patch clamp experiment : the cell - attached and inside - out configurations of the patch - clamp techniques were used to investigate single channel properties of nmd a receptors in the actuely dissociated neurons of the marginal division in the rat striatum , recording the current amplitude . long / short term opening / closing times indexes and the effects of incitants and agonists of the nmd a receptors on those parameters . we find that two types of conductance of 42ps and 20ps were recorded , the 42ps was the advantaged conductance
本研究是在本实验室以前研究的基础上,通过膜片钳( pachclamp )观测sd ( sprague - dawley , sd )的mrd上nmda受体通道的电生理特性;继而对青壮年sd大鼠的mrd 、海马进行毁损并腹腔注射nmda受体阻滞剂ktm ( ketamine , ktm ) ,观察其对大鼠学习记忆能力的影响:对于学习记忆能力下降的老年鼠进一步做颅内定位注射nmda受体激动剂与抑制剂,观察其在特定部位的作用;最后,应用fmri ( functionalmagneticresonanceimaging ; fmri )对注射ktm的志愿者做学习记忆与痛觉的对比观察。